Partners & Sponsors - We are seeking partnerships with other public and private corporations to further our goal of bringing computer based education to our beneficiaries in these underserved, third world communities. Our appeal is specifically for donations in the form of laptops and funds with which to run the organization. We hope you've gone through our site here on the web and will choose to help us in this endeavor as we strive to change the classroom at a time.
See a list of our current partners and sponsors here:

Participating Schools - Many schools in the area in which we operate have heard of our services and what we've done for our first K thru 12 venture with Christ The King Foundational school and are now asking for us to introduce the program to their students. We are only too happy to oblige. Our program's core commitment calls for an excellent relationship with the participating schools so that the benefits are filtered down to the target audience; the students of that school. We're proud of how far we've come in this regard. If you want to be a participating school and you happen to be in Liberia, West Africa, please do contact us and we will get back with you shortly.

Our Programs - We have embarked upon a two-fold goal, one that focuses on the students and one that focuses on the teachers.. Both of these programs are critical to the advancement of technology education in these third-world communities.
The ICT Communicators program focuses on how the concepts of ICT are communicated to the students and helps teachers communicate complex and technical details of the technology to the student. We feel this is necessary especially for teachers who are just entering the ICT instructional field and who will be instructing students who most likely just need that little bit of explanation as to how the computer actually works.
The ICT Advance program for teachers focuses on the instructor's own understanding of the particular subjects being taught and could be used as continuing education credits towards their own accreditation with either TLFP or with the local educational authorities in the country of operation.
Other teacher training programs are being developed that will focus on behavioral issues in class as well as teacher-student etiquette in the classroom.