You Can Make A Difference...

Your donations will go a long way towards our goal of educating young minds in our communities here in Liberia. Whether you give towards our “Support A Teacher” program or our “Set Up A Computer Lab” initiative, or even just a general donation, every cent counts and will be dedicated towards the purpose of providing technology-based education to our beneficiaries.

Donate Any Amount To Help Us Make A Difference

Help Support A Teacher...

Our “Support A Teacher” program needs your generous donation to help keep a teacher in the classroom to continue the important task of actually imparting knowledge to the students. This is the MOST important task they accomplish for our program and their work with the students is the reason why we do what we do. Help us keep them in the classroom where they love to be so that the next generation gets an opportunity to benefit from their desire to give back.

Sponsor A Teacher For 1 Month

Sponsor A Teacher For A Semester (5 Months)

Sponsor A Teacher/Asst. Pair For A Classroom For A Semester

Help Set Up A Computer Lab...

Our “Set Up A Computer Lab” initiative is the other key pillar in our efforts at educating young minds in our communities in Liberia. We do this through the purchase of the right kinds of technologies for the classroom environment, such as laptops, projectors and other accessories needed for teaching in the classroom. This is the platform upon which we build a solid foundation in technology education for our beneficiaries. The exposure to useful and working technology to the students taking part in our program is the second reason why we do what we do. Without it, there would be no technology education in the classroom.

Sponsor A Single Laptop

Sponsor Three Laptops

Sponsor Ten Laptops

Sponsor Laptops For An Entire Classroom (30)

Help Support Our Mission...

There are many other ways you can help us make a difference. We've listed just a few of them below:

We use an Internet connection to give the Teachers an opportunity to browse the web and perform research that can aid them in the classroom. The Internet connection is also used during our Teachers' Continuing Education Training sessions to further their knowledge and expose them to ideas that also aid them in the presentation of their lessons to their classes. This has proven to be an invaluable asset for the Teachers, helping many of them stay connected to the latest ideas and teaching paradigms such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) and project based learning.

We also have staff and administrators working tirelessly in the background to make sure that the teachers are reporting to class, the laptop computers are all working, the fuel for the generators has been purchased, the regulatory requirements to the Government of Liberia are met, Payroll is processed and budgets are balanced. Many of them go without any pay and do so because they believe in the mission of what we are trying to accomplish. They would all appreciate your support.

Teacher Training Internet Access (1 Mo.)

Fuel for Computer Lab Generator (1 Mo.)

Teacher Training Internet Access (1 Semester)

Fuel for Computer Lab Generator (1 Semester)