Bridging the Digital Divide…One Classroom At A Time

The Leap Forward Program (TLFP) is a project that aims to teach & train, within the next 5 years, at least 250,000 students from designated K-thru-12 institutions in and around the Monrovia, Liberia, the basics of computers and technology education via a STEM-PBL (Science Technology Engineering & Math Project Based Learning) based Information Technology skills program to aid them in their studies and also in preparation for their future careers in technology in the West African sub-region.

The Leap Forward Project (TLFP) is a non-profit organization based in the US. Its main focus is on serving disadvantaged and educationally underserved communities internationally.

TLFP was established in 2015 in the USA by well-meaning technology professionals and philanthropic hearted sponsors who believe in the dream of impacting an entire generation of young people in underserved, 3rd world communities riven by poverty and the lack of access to quality information technology training. TLFP plans to have a major impact on the youth in these communities, bringing computer and information technology skills to those without the knowledge or ability to access qualified training resources focused on information technology.

Through the introduction of STEM-PBL based methodologies and paradigms, the primary objective of TLFP is to serve as a bridge for existing K thru 12 institutions that have the desire to offer their student populations exposure to such training but cannot afford to do so because of a lack of funding, a lack of trained personnel, a lack of infrastructure and a lack of direction in this highly necessary field of study. TLFF is committed toward bridging the digital divide through its efforts to implement these programs through its services and support.
